Joseph Falson

California Institute of Technology, Moore Fellow in Materials Synthesis


Investigating delicate electronic ground states in highly pure epitaxial platforms.

Joseph Falson

Research Description

Joseph Falson is an assistant professor of materials science at the California Institute of Technology. His research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of material platforms that have very low levels of disorder and display strongly emergent properties. His research team specializes in the thin-film growth of oxides and chalcogenides, and the study of their electronic and magnetic properties at ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields. By engineering artificial heterostructures consisting of dissimilar materials using molecular beam epitaxy, they generate properties that are otherwise absent in bulk devices – for example interfacial two-dimensional electron systems and superconductivity.

The Falson lab also develops novel growth techniques for synthesizing material systems with both challenging thermodynamic pathways and corrosive chemical constituents.


related links

Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Science California Institute of Technology, Division of Engineering and Applied Science Back


Ph.D. The University of Tokyo
M.Sc. Tohoku University
B.Sc. University of New South Wales 


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