Cui-Zu Chang

Pennsylvania State University , EPiQS Materials Synthesis Investigator


Dr. Chang is a world-leading expert in the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of quantum materials.

Cui-Zu Chang

Research Description

Dr. Chang runs a lab in the Department of Physics at The Pennsylvania State University.

Dr. Chang is a world-leading expert in the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of quantum materials. Chang was the first to realize the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect in 2013 by developing MBE growth of a magnetically doped topological insulator thin films. In addition, Chang has played a crucial role in the discovery and understanding of a variety of other important physical phenomena such as the axion insulator state in quantum materials. His recent interests include the pursuit of high temperature and high Chern number QAH insulators and the exploration of Majorana physics in the QAH-superconductor hybrid structures.

Dr. Chang has won numerous awards, including NSF CAREER Award (2019), Macronix Prize (2019), ARO-Young Investigator Program Award (2018), Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2018), and IUPAP Young Scientist Prize (2016).

Dr. Chang earned his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in China.


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“Experimental observation of the quantum anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic topological insulator”  C.-Z. Chang*, J. S. Zhang*, X. Feng*, J. Shen*, Z. C. Zhang, M. H. Guo, K. Li,  Y. B. Ou, P. Wei, L. Wang, Z. Q. Ji, Y. Feng, S. H. Ji, X. Chen, J. F. Jia, X. Dai, Z. Fang, S. C. Zhang, K. He, Y. Y. Wang, L. Lu, X. C. Ma and Q. K. Xue. 
Science 340, 167 (2013). 

“High-precision realization of robust quantum anomalous Hall state in a hard-ferromagnetic topological insulator” C.-Z. Chang#, W. Zhao#, D. Kim, H. Zhang, B. A. Assaf, D. Heiman, S. C. Zhang, C. Liu, M. H. W. Chan, and J. S. Moodera#. 
Nat. Mater. 14, 473 (2015). 

“Realization of the Axion Insulator State in Quantum Anomalous Hall Sandwich Heterostructures” D. Xiao, J. Jiang, J.-H. Shin, W. Wang, F. Wang, Y.-F. Zhao, C. Liu, W. Wu, M. H. W. Chan#, N. Samarth#, and C.-Z. Chang#. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 056801 (2018). 

"Absence of Evidence for Chiral Majorana Modes in Quantum Anomalous Hall-Superconductor Hybrid Structures”  M. Kayyalha, D. Xiao, R. Zhang, J. Shin, J. Jiang, F. Wang, Y.-F. Zhao, L. Zhang, R. Xiao, Q. Li, M. H. W. Chan#, N. Samarth#, and C.-Z. Chang# 
Science (2019, in press) (arXiv: 1904.06463). 

“Observation of the quantum phase transition from quantum anomalous Hall insulator to Anderson insulator and its scaling behavior” C.-Z. Chang*, W. Zhao*, J. Li*, J. K. Jain, C. Liu, J. S. Moodera and M. H. W. Chan. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 126802 (2016). 

“Zero-field dissipationless chiral edge transport and the nature of dissipation in the quantum anomalous Hall state” C.-Z. Chang*#, W. Zhao*, D. Kim, P. Wei, J. K. Jain, C. Liu, M. H. W. Chan# and J. S. Moodera#. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 057206 (2015). 

"Band engineering of Dirac surface states in topological insulators-based van der Waals heterostructures” C.-Z. Chang#, P. Z. Tang, X. Feng, K. Li, X. Ma, W. H. Duan#, K. He#, and Q. K. Xue. 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 136801 (2015). 

“Chemical potential dependent gap-opening at the Dirac surface states of Bi2Se3 induced by aggregated substitutional Cr atoms” C.-Z. Chang*, P. Z. Tang*, Y. L. Wang, X. Feng, K. Li, Z. C. Zhang, Y. Y. Wang,  L. L. Wang, X. Chen, C. X. Liu, W. H. Duan, K. He, X. Ma, and Q. K. Xue. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 056801 (2014).

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