“Our support of science stems from Gordon’s background and interests. Expanding knowledge is both intellectually satisfying and often of practical value. The rate of expansion of knowledge can be increased by funding potentially high-impact areas that do not fit conventional funding sources.”

  - The Statement of Founders’ Intent 

Reflecting the beliefs of our founders, we believe in the inherent value of science and treasure the sense of wonder that comes from finding out how the world – and universe – work.  

Our science grantmaking enables pioneering technological advances and scientific discoveries and promotes a robust ecosystem for science. Our grantmaking advances knowledge through developing new technologies, supporting imaginative researchers and creating collaborations at the frontiers of traditional scientific disciplines. We accelerate the pace of research by moving nimbly and supporting grantees to take risks with their ideas. We also seek to foster public engagement with science and to strengthen the role science plays in society. 

  • program area
  • Total Number of Grants
  • Average Grant Term (Months)
  • Cumulative Grant Amounts

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