Kendrick, B.J., G.R. DiTullio, T.J. Cyronak, P.A. Lee, J.M. Fulton, B.A.S. Van Mooy, K.D. Bidle. Temperature-induced viral resistance in Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) PLoS One (in press).
Bidle, K.D. Elucidating marine virus ecology through a unified heartbeat. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1417243111; 27 October 2014 Early Edition issue).
Bidle, K.D. The molecular ecophysiology of programmed cell death in marine phytoplankton. 2015. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci., 7 (in press).
Brown, C.M., and K.D. Bidle. 2014. Attenuation of virus production at high multiplicities of infection in Aureococcus anophagefferens. Virology 466-467: 71-81(
Moniruzzaman, M., G.R. LeCleir, C.M. Brown, C.J. Gobler, K.D. Bidle, W.H. Wilson, and S.W. Wilhelm. 2014. Genome of Brown Tide virus (AaV), the little giant of the Megaviridae, elucidates NCLDV genome expansion and host-virus coevolution Virology 466-467: 60-70 (
Kustka, A.B., A. Milligan, A. New, C. Gates, H. Zheng, K.D. Bidle, and J. Rienfelder. 2014. Low CO2 results in a rearrangement of carbon metabolism to support C4 photosynthetic carbon assimilation in two marine diatoms. New Phytologist. (doi: 10.1111/nph.12926).
Lehahn, Y., I. Koren, D. Schatz, M. Frada, U. Sheyn, E. Boss, S. Efrati, Y. Rudich, M. Trainic, S. Sharoni, C. Laber, G.R. DiTullio, M.J.L. Coolen, A.M. Martins, B.A.S. Van Mooy, K.D. Bidle, and A. Vardi. 2014. Decoupling physical from biological processes to assess the impact of viruses on a mesoscale algal bloom. Current Biology 24: 2041-2046.
Lehahn, Y., I. Koren, Y. Rudich, K.D. Bidle, M. Trainic, J.M. Flores, S. Sharoni, A. Vardi. 2014. Decoupling atmospheric and oceanic factors affecting aerosol loading over a cluster of mesoscale North Atlantic eddies. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41(11): 4075-4081.
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Ray, J.L., L. Haramaty, R. Thyrhaug, H. Fredricks, B. Van Mooy, A. Larsen, K.D. Bidle, and R.-A. Sandaa. 2014. Virus infection of Haptolina ericina and Phaeocystis pouchetii suggests evolutionary conservation of programmed cell death induction in marine haptophyte-virus interactions. J. Plankton Res. (doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbu029).
Rose, S.L., J. Fulton, C.M. Brown, F. Natale, B.A.S. Van Mooy, and K.D. Bidle. 2014. Isolation and characterization of lipid rafts in Emiliania huxleyi: a role for membrane microdomains in host-virus Interactions. Environ. Microbiol. 16(4): 1150–1166.
Fulton, J.M, H.F. Fredricks, K.D. Bidle, A. Vardi, B.J. Kendrick, G.R. DiTullio and B.A.S. Van Mooy. 2014. Novel molecular determinants of viral susceptibility and resistance in the lipidome of Emiliania huxleyi. Environ. Microbiol. 16(4): 1137–1149.
Thamatrakoln, K., B. Bailleul, C.M. Brown, M.Y. Gorbunov, A.B. Kustka, M. Frada, P. Joliot, P.G. Falkowski and K.D. Bidle. 2013. Death-specific protein in a marine diatom regulates photosynthetic responses to iron and light availability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 10(50): 20123-20128.
Bar-Zeev, E., I. Avishay, K.D. Bidle and I. Berman-Frank. 2013. Programmed cell death in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium mediates carbon and nitrogen export. ISME Journal 7(12): 2340-2348.
Read, B., et al. (total of 73 authors). 2013. Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution. Nature. 499:209-213.
Seth-Pasricha, M., K.A. Bidle, and K.D. Bidle. 2013. Specificity of archaeal caspase activity in the extreme halophile Haloferax volcanii. Environ. Microbiol. Reports 5(2): 263-271.