Paul J. Barr, M.S.c, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice


Developing and testing an interoperable system to facilitate routine recording of patient and family engagement

Paul J. Barr, M.S.c, Ph.D.

Research Description

Developing and testing an interoperable system to facilitate routine recording of patient and family engagement.

Research Impact

Through the Open Recording Automated Logging System (ORALS) project, Dr. Barr aims to have routine audio recording of conversations with clinicians and patients in an effort to increase engagement of patients and families in their health care. ORALS will consist of technically proficient software using natural language processing to enable accurate and automatic tagging of in-clinic audio recordings and an online platform for patients and family members to access their recordings. Dr. Barr and his team will use a mixed methods and agile software development approach to develop and conduct formative testing of ORALS.


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Special Projects in Patient Care The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice Back


Ph.D., Health Services Research, Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland
M.S.c, Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
B.S.c, Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland


The Margaret Kenwright Young Scientist of the Year Award 
26th Annual Conference of the British Blood Transfusion Society, Llandudno, Wales, 2008

Health and Social Care Services Research Studentship
Research and Development Office, Belfast, Ireland, 2004-2010

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. “Evaluating CollaboRATE, a fast and frugal measure of shared decision making, in the clinical settings”. Lead Co-Investigator. 

Wales School for Primary Care Research, Cardiff, Wales. “Scoping study to inform future research to develop and implement a generic reported outcome measure of patient empowerment in primary care”. Co-Investigator.