Consumer Reports

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Patient Care_1000x1000_Parents of boy in hospital

Headquartered in New York with offices in Austin, Washington D.C. and San Francisco, Consumers Union is the policy and action division of Consumer Reports. Through research, advocacy and legal action, the organization works to pass consumer protection laws at the state and federal levels. Work is organized into priority topics that include health care, money, energy, media, food and safety.

Consumer Reports expose negligent corporations and encourages those that place the consumer first. The organization runs campaigns for reform that have helped reduce hospital infections, lower credit card rates, expand access to health insurance and improve the security of personal financial information. A research and policy library includes consumer-focused information about topics of interest written by Consumers Union experts. News and events highlight headlines, upcoming meetings and hearings relevant to each priority area.


recent grants

Patient Care National Consumer Survey of Patient and Family Engagement, Experiences and Perceptions


Consumer Reports

  • date awarded

    Aug 2013

  • amount


  • term

    18 months


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