Foundation president, Harvey Fineberg, and chairman emeritus and co-founder, Gordon Moore, discuss the Statement of Founders’ Intent with staff.
Founded in 1999, the Fundación para la Sobrevivencia del Pueblo Cofán (Cofán Survival Fund) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the survival of the Cofán indigenous culture and its Amazonian rainforest environment. Based in Quito, Ecuador, the organization is committed to biodiversity conservation and research, protecting ancestral territory and its natural resources, developing environmentally sound income alternatives and educating the youngest generation of Cofán.
The organization’s strategy combines government alliances, extensive fieldwork, on-the ground management and control and community-based conservation projects to mobilize resources and expertise in support of Cofán territorial management and alternative income-generating activities. Programs and activities range from scientific expeditions into the heart of Cofán territories in northern Ecuador to the development of a Cofán Ranger Program to care for 1,000,000 acres of pristine forests and natural treasures.
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Fundación para la Sobrevivencia del Pueblo Cofán (Cofan Survival Fund)
Nov 2010
16 months
Nov 2007
24 months
Creating positive outcomes for future generations.