Marine Conservation Institute

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The Marine Conservation Institute works to secure permanent protections for marine ecosystems. The organization bridges the gap between science and policy, identifying key ocean threats, testing solutions and advocating for protections. Founded in 1996 and based in Seattle, the nonprofit works with scientists, politicians, government officials and other organizations. Program areas include coral conservation, fishing, marine protected areas, high seas conservation, ocean governance, enforcement and ocean acidification.

The organization has been instrumental in the establishment of a national system of marine protected areas, and its MPA Atlas provides real time tracking on current and proposed protections and their effectiveness. The Global Ocean Refuge System is an organizational initiative incentivizing decision-makers to establish protected areas in their jurisdictions. Other projects combat the impact of overfishing and bottom trawling on sensitive marine ecosystems and encourage fishing methods that are less harmful to habitats. The interactive SeaStates website provides data and reporting that analyzes how well U.S. states are protecting ocean environments. An online resource center with daily news clips, institute publications, press releases and blog posts informs stakeholders about current research findings and current events.


recent grants

Environmental Conservation Destructive Fishing Gear Analysis


Marine Conservation Institute

  • date awarded

    Oct 2006

  • amount


  • term

    18 months


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