Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund)

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Courtesy of WWF and Rubens Matsushita

Founded in 1996, the Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund) is a nonprofit that acts as a strategic partner for the private sector, different state and federal authorities, and organized civil society. In the private sector, these partnerships have made it possible for companies to make social investments and reduce and mitigate their impacts, while also fulfilling legal obligations. In the public sphere, they serve to consolidate conservation policies and enable environmental funding programs.

Based in Rio de Janeiro, the organization has supported over 200 projects from over 150 different organizations; it also worked to support 291 protected areas, representing around 39 percent of protected land in Brazil. Its interdisciplinary team of professionals work in the following areas: program and project management; design, implementation and management of financial mechanisms; climate change; and network management.


recent grants

Environmental Conservation Improving Strategies for Monitoring and Implementing Actions to Reduce Deforestation and Fires in Federal Protected Areas in the Brazilian Amazon


Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund)

  • date awarded

    Aug 2023

  • amount


  • term

    24 months

Environmental Conservation Securing Quilombola Lands, Good Governance and Sustainable Production Value Chains in Brazil


Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund)

  • date awarded

    Oct 2022

  • amount


  • term

    36 months


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