Foundation president, Harvey Fineberg, and chairman emeritus and co-founder, Gordon Moore, discuss the Statement of Founders’ Intent with staff.
Conservation Strategy Fund uses economics to advance conservation and solve environmental problems. With offices in the United States, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil, the fund works with emerging economists, government officials, conservation leaders and the general public. The organization has proven the value of protected areas, shown how to build infrastructure at lower cost with less damage and nurtured local sustainable businesses.
Training programs provide tools for decision-making related to marine ecosystems, climate change, protected areas, business development and infrastructure. Data analyses capture the true costs of environmental degradation and development and justify environmentally conscious choices. The organization’s fellowship program provides hands-on opportunities for the next generation of economists to apply their skills to pressing environmental issues. Since the fund’s inception in 1998, over $20 billion in assets have been impacted, resulting in conservation of over 20 million acres.
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Conservation Strategy Fund
Oct 2017
15 months
Jun 2014
24 months
Creating positive outcomes for future generations.