Foundation president, Harvey Fineberg, and chairman emeritus and co-founder, Gordon Moore, discuss the Statement of Founders’ Intent with staff.
Founded in 1991, the Instituto Centro de Vida is an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit organization based in Cuiabá, Brazil, in the Mato Grosso region. The organization builds shared sustainability solutions and reconciles agriculture and forestry production with the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems and their services.
Working with local stakeholders, institute members study and analyze findings and provide practical experience in the field. The resultant knowledge is spread through communication, capacity building and empowerment of marginalized social groups. Acting in partnership and networking with other organizations and groups from various sectors of society is an important feature of the organization’s work.
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Instituto Centro de Vida
Jul 2021
16 months
Nov 2018
27 months
Creating positive outcomes for future generations.