West Coast Environmental Law

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Founded in 1974, West Coast Environmental Law is British Columbia's legal champion for the environment. Through legal advice, education and advocacy, West Coast provides citizens and organizations with the knowledge, tools and innovative solutions needed to protect the environment and build sustainability.

Located in Vancouver, the organization actively promotes progressive environmental law reform in British Columbia and across Canada, helping establish and shape many of the area’s most significant environmental legislative initiatives. Some of West Coast’s achievements include: the toughest pulp mill effluent regulations in the world, amendments to British Columbia's Land Title Act enabling effective land conservancies and working to develop and pass the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

West Coast provides support to communities, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector and all levels of governments, including First Nations governments, to develop proactive legal solutions to protect and sustain the environment.


recent grants

Environmental Conservation Durable Marine Conservation


West Coast Environmental Law

  • date awarded

    Oct 2024

  • amount


  • term

    36 months

Environmental Conservation Habitat Conservation


West Coast Environmental Law

  • date awarded

    Jun 2021

  • amount


  • term

    36 months


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