Foundation president, Harvey Fineberg, and chairman emeritus and co-founder, Gordon Moore, discuss the Statement of Founders’ Intent with staff.
Iepé is a private, non-profit organization that was established in 2002 to contribute to strengthening indigenous cultural life and political organization, and to support the sustainable development of the indigenous communities living in Amapá and northern Pará states.
Iepé’s work spans indigenous peoples’ cultural, environmental, health and education issues, and builds communities’ technical and administrative capacities to bolster land management in the face of diverse challenges. Core activities are divided among four institutional programs: the Wajãpi Program, the Tumucumaque Program, the Oiapoque Program and the Regional and Transfrontier Articulation Program. Iepé has more than 20 employees and maintains two offices, one in São Paulo and one in Macapá, near the study region.
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Iepé - Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indigena
Apr 2021
12 months
Nov 2016
36 months
Creating positive outcomes for future generations.