Foundation president, Harvey Fineberg, and chairman emeritus and co-founder, Gordon Moore, discuss the Statement of Founders’ Intent with staff.
Founded in 2004, Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas (Institute for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas) promotes the valuation and sustainable use of natural resources in the Amazon. Based in Manaus, the organization also has offices in Apui and Piracicaba.
The institute’s programs are focused on preventing and reducing deforestation, mitigating climate change, alleviating poverty, promoting forest conservation and managing natural resources. Scientific and technical publications, presentations and participation in conferences stimulate discussion and debate in the search for creative, original and relevant solutions to environmental and social problems of the Amazonian region.
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Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas
Oct 2023
24 months
Jul 2017
18 months
Creating positive outcomes for future generations.