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Established in 1994, NatureServe provides high-quality scientific expertise for conservation. With headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, and regional offices in four U.S. locations and in Canada, the organization envisions a world where decision-makers recognize the value of biodiversity, fully understand the importance of science in its identification and protection and invest in science as the basis for their decisions that affect biodiversity.

The NatureServe’s public-private network of independent organizations operate across the Western Hemisphere. Over 1,000 conservation professionals collect, analyze and distribute detailed scientific data about plants, animals and ecosystems in their jurisdictions. With expertise in botany, zoology, ecology and conservation biology, the organization is a leading source for information about at-risk species and threatened ecosystems throughout the United States, nearly all of Canada and much of Latin America.

NatureServe and its members use science to save the Colorado River Delta, helped protect polar bears in Manitoba, Canada, researched and ranked the health of 42 species of bumblebees and discovered a rare bog in Washington State. 


recent grants

Environmental Conservation Prioritizing Actions for Biodiversity Protection in the Eastern Slopes of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes



  • date awarded

    Oct 2004

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  • term

    24 months

Science Aligning Biodiversity Software with User Needs



  • date awarded

    Sep 2004

  • amount


  • term

    9 months


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