The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has selected 19 new Moore Experimental Investigators in Quantum Materials to help accelerate scientific breakthroughs in the field. Through grants to 11 universities around the United States, this five-year, $34.2 million program will enable these physicists to pursue ambitious, high-risk research, including the development of new experimental techniques.

These latest awards are part of a $90 million Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems (EPiQS) Initiative — one of the largest privately-funded initiatives in the field — that provides support for highly talented scientists in three areas: experiment, theory and materials synthesis. The EPiQS Initiative aims to accelerate scientific breakthroughs by giving some of the field’s most creative scientists the freedom to take risks and the flexibility to change research directions. It also provides them with an environment that encourages collaboration with other leading researchers. Earlier this year, the Moore Foundation announced the winners of its competitions for Materials Synthesis Investigators and Theory Centers.

“By supporting these three key areas, the integrated EPiQS Initiative could transform our understanding of quantum materials and make it possible to ask fundamentally new questions about how complex quantum matter organizes and behaves,” said Dr. Dusan Pejakovic, Program Officer for the EPiQS Initiative.

Quantum materials are substances in which the collective behavior of electrons leads to many emergent properties, such as high-temperature superconductivity and exotic forms of magnetism.

New discoveries in this field could lead to revolutionary applications in electronics, computing, energy technology and medical devices.

“Although our diverse portfolio will make a significant and needed impact in this field, fundamentally new discoveries in these areas of physics will require the continued support of other funders and academic institutions, and we look forward to working with them,” said Dr. Vicki Chandler, Chief Program Officer for Science at the Moore Foundation.

The selected Experimental Investigators are listed below. Please visit here for profiles of these outstanding researchers.  

  • Peter Abbamonte, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Dimitri Basov, University of California, San Diego
  • Collin Broholm, Johns Hopkins University
  • Jak Chakhalian, University of Arkansas
  • J. C. Séamus Davis, Cornell University
  • Nuh Gedik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • M. Zahid Hasan, Princeton University
  • Tony Heinz, Stanford University
  • Jennifer Hoffman, Harvard University
  • Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Aharon Kapitulnik, Stanford University
  • Philip Kim, Harvard University
  • Margaret Murnane, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Nai Phuan Ong, Princeton University
  • Joseph Orenstein, University of California, Berkeley
  • Jason Petta, Princeton University
  • Zhi-Xun Shen, Stanford University
  • Amir Yacoby, Harvard University
  • Ali Yazdani, Princeton University

About the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation believes in bold ideas that create enduring impact in the areas of science, environmental conservation and patient care. Intel co-founder Gordon and his wife Betty established the foundation to create positive change around the world and at home in the San Francisco Bay Area. Science looks for opportunities to transform–or even create–entire fields by investing in early-stage research, emerging fields and top research scientists. Our environmental conservation efforts promote sustainability, protect critical ecological systems and align conservation needs with human development. Patient care focuses on eliminating preventable harms and unnecessary healthcare costs through meaningful engagement of patients and their families in a supportive, redesigned healthcare system. Visit us at or follow @MooreScientific.


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